Installation Instructions
Some SCRAM tools and tests may be absent in distribution packages. Also, the package version may be older than the latest release.
SCRAM is available from AUR.
SCRAM is available in Debian’s official repositories since Debian Stretch.
apt-get install scram apt-get install scram-gui # The GUI front-end in unstable.
SCRAM is available in Ubuntu’s universe repository since Ubuntu 17.04.
sudo apt-get install scram sudo apt-get install scram-gui # The GUI front-end since 17.10.
Alternatively, run the following commands to get SCRAM from its PPA.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rakhimov/scram sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install scram sudo apt-get install scram-gui
Install from the official Fedora repositories:
sudo dnf install scram
Linux Bundle
The relocatable bundle is packaged with exodus and available on SourceForge and Bintray.
Download and run the installer from SourceForge or Bintray.
Docker Containers
Available from Docker Hub:
docker pull rakhimov/scram
Other Platforms
Please consult with the building and installing instructions on GitHub.